Monthly Archives: April 2011

Beach Bum

Loving the Beach

I went to the beach with a few friends this week.

We stayed there for three days.

Three days sleeping 30 meters from the surf and I didn’t get in the water once..not one time.


The water was fine and I’ve longed to take a dip for a long time but just being there, at that time, was enough for me.

I missed being there. I had a lovely time.

Took lots of pictures and got a good tan.

It was a good respite from my usually hectic schedule.

Not being a slave of my watch for a few days have done me good.

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Filed under 2011

Coming Home

Incoming Tide from

I’ve lived near the ocean most of my life. Now I live in the city where my day starts with the beep of a clock radio and ends with the random noise from the apartment across the way. I’ve lived in monotony for quite a while and I’ve kind of settled into it. I live a comfortable life. (I’m using comfortable as another word for “boring”.) Sad, I know but that’s the price I paid for growing up.

Now I’m coming home.  Only for the weekend but I’m thrilled. I can’t wait to feel the sand on my feet and the sun’s warmth on my face and shoulders. Swimming in the waters that have been inviting me for years.

This is going to be a lot of fun.

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Filed under 2011