Rain on Me

What a way to wake up...

I woke up with soft rain tapping on the window. I took a deep breath and smiled to myself…I love the rain. It makes me feel like no matter how hot things get, how dirty or how sticky things are, there’s time for refreshing. The dirt and grime can all be washed away and you end up with a clean slate. The smell of the cool crisp air, the mist that forms outside my window, the trickle of water that’s like a lullaby made just for me. I love every bit of it.


Filed under 2010

6 responses to “Rain on Me

  1. Love the rain
    love the poem
    love the picture 😉

  2. loved every bit of this

  3. Vimal

    nice picture
    and nice words 🙂

    rain does inspire

  4. Nigara

    amazing! )))
    touches to the bottom of my heart.
    now is raining outside in Milano
    everytime I go to window i open it and take a crasp of fresh air and I feel alive and smile shows on my face.
    no matter now sad or bad I felt before. I get the energy, the new breathe.
    thank you

  5. Hey, just came across your blog searching for RAIN images.. and here I’ am.. nice blog! 😉

  6. minskyg

    Can i use this photo in my blog? 🙂 Please? Thank you. I’ll put your site for credits. BTW, Love the picture. 🙂

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